
Stray Dogs with Disabilities Find an Opportunity to Roam Freely at Elephant Sanctuary

Elephant Nature Park in Thailand is home for numerous rescued elephants. The elephants have come from different walks of life and from lives with many challenges. Yet what many people don’t realize is that the elephant sanctuary is also home to almost 400 rescued dogs, including 32 particularly special ones. The 32 dogs have lost the use of their legs from accident, sickness, neglect and abuse.

These dogs would likely not have lived if they hadn’t been found by the rescuers of Save Elephant Foundation (which funds and runs the sanctuary) (which funds and runs the sanctuary). They would have either continued to be disregarded and suffer on the streets or have possibly been put to sleep at the vet.

Instead, they live a life where they are loved and well-cared for by the volunteers and the sanctuary.

As explained by one of the volunteers in the YouTube video below, it is hard work, but good work. The volunteers ensure the dogs are taken on a walk every day.

The handicapped dogs feel like normal dogs when they get the wheelchairs on. As soon as they get them on, they simply want to go go go.

Many other volunteers pop over to visit the dogs too. “They are happy dogs and love being with people,” the volunteer says.

Because to the dedication of volunteers and the funds they receive, these dogs have an opportunity to live, run and play. Watch their heartwarming daily routine in the video below.

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