
An amputee rescue dog whose life was about to be put to sleep is saved by prosthetic paws.

Every animal is beautiful and deserves to survive. Some creatures are unique and require particular care. Their limitations, however, should not be the grounds for their euthanasia. However, there are many caring individuals working to guarantee that every animal gets a chance to life, writes embounce

Like this dog, who had lost her paws due to mistreatment and was ready to be 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ed, but she was not only spared, but she was also given a gift that allowed her to regain her footing. Monika, a dog, was discovered last December in the Russian hamlet of Plastunovskaya. The dog had gone through a lot, and as a result, her paws were seriously wounded and had to be amputated.

Marina Gapich and Alla Leonkina, rescue volunteers, took in the unfortunate dog, but were saddened when specialists advised them that the dog should be put down. They were, however, opposed, so they sought another option. Marina said that they were her carers and that the dog was under their care.

Sergei Gorshkov, a veterinarian who specialized in prostheses, was found. The rescuers gathered roughly 400,000 Russian rubles (approximately $5400) to assist Monika in obtaining new legs.

The vet had never made prosthetic paws for a dog before, but he accepted the assignment. The paws were manufactured of titanium and biocoated at Tomsk Polytechnic University.

After the paws were made, Monika’s replacement paws were surgically installed. Everyone was first doubtful about the dog’s ability to adjust to her new prosthesis.

Monika, on the other hand, astounded everyone by adjusting rapidly to her new paws. According to Sergei, they were not hopeful at first, but on the third day, she began getting up and strolling throughout the facility, moving from room to room.

The veterinarian was happy that he had saved the life of an animal. It’s amazing how miracles like these may occur when people don’t give up on animals. The dog was on the edge of being put down, but thanks to the efforts of the rescue volunteers and the veterinarian, his life was saved.


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