Marian Rivera shows off her beautiful, 饾搱鈩潛峺 body in 饾搱鈩潛峺 outfits.
Marian Rivera received many compliments about her 饾搱鈩潛峺 body, when her latest photos in a photoshoot were posted by GMA. With her first daughter being 2 years old, the “most beautiful woman in the Philippines” has regained her slim figure from her youth. The beauty revealed that her secret is to exercise, eat scientifically and… have a beautiful love.
Marian Rivera shared that she and her husband practice CrossFit together with the desire to be healthy: “Since having my daughter Zia, I have always wanted to have a lot of health to take care of her. Moreover, I hope to have more 饾槫饾槱饾槳饾槶饾槬ren, so I need to be in good shape.”
With any outfit, Marian Rivera confidently shows off her “wasp” waist.