
Capturing the beauty of the ‘most beautiful woman in the Philippines’ at the age of 40, is she still the mermaid that everyone loves?

Marian Rivera still beautiful under ‘normal camera’ angle?

After nearly two decades in the entertainment industry, Marian Rivera is still a star loved by many Filipino and Asian audiences for her natural acting and serious, enthusiastic work ethic.

Recently, Marian Rivera received public attention when she attended the launch – promotion of a jewelry brand. Attending this event, “the most beautiful woman in the Philippines” chose for herself a design of two thin straps covered in sweet pink. The smooth fabric, pleated details and tight seams help to highlight her beautiful curves.

Saying goodbye to the wavy curls, the actress prefers a straight middle-parted bangs and a ponytail to fully display her beauty, visual value, and the message of the jewelry set. In addition, the natural makeup tone with sweet glossy lipstick also contributes to enhancing the fresh appearance, hiding the age of the 8x beauty.

Marian showed off her radiant, youthful beauty in footage filmed by event attendees. When looking at the singer’s photos in real life, many people find it hard to believe that she is almost 40 years old. When present at the event, Marian always smiled brightly, showed positive energy and enthusiastically asked and interacted with everyone.

Many netizens expressed surprise at the real beauty of the female star through the lens of a normal camera. It is known that not long ago, the beauty made the audience “fall backwards” when she appeared with an unattractive appearance, her bare face clearly showing many flaws in a series of photos cheering on her daughter’s competition. Many opinions said that the actress has always pursued natural beauty, simplifying her daily life, so she loves to appear with a simple appearance. At the same time, she attended the ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ’s sports festival as a parent, so there was no need to show off makeup like attending the red carpet.

Marian Rivera was 𝐛ðĻðŦ𝐧 in 1984, she is known to the public as a top model and actress in the Philippine entertainment industry. Not only is she memorable for her mixed-race beauty, the female star also left an impression on the small screen audience through many hit works such as: Wild Dance, Mermaid Love Story, Mysterious Lover, Rose Mask,…

Besides the sweet love scenes on television, “The most beautiful woman in the land of a thousand islands” also made fans “red-eyed with envy” when she became husband and wife with the handsome actor Dingdong Dantes. After 9 years together, the couple has a pair of cute angels.


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