
A Pit Bull Overcomes Severe Burns and Embraces a Joyful Life

Justice the Pit Bull is not your typical dog, as there’s more to him than meets the eye. Although he may not fit the conventional definition of beauty, he has a unique charm that is all his own. Unfortunately, Justice had a tough start in life that was no fault of his own. He was subjected to abuse and left for dead, yet he managed to survive and make his way to the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter. There, he finally received the love and respect that every dog deserves. Today, Justice is thriving and proving to be a fighter against all odds. However, he still hopes that his abusers will be brought to justice for their heinous actions.

Justice, a two-year-old dog, was discovered wandering the streets of Indiana in 2018. Sadly, he was severely burned with chemicals, and it appeared to be intentional. Despite the cruel nature of his injuries, Justice miraculously survived on his own for a brief amount of time. The shelter that rescued him provided him with immediate medical attention and wrapped him in bandages to promote the healing process. Over time, Justice’s skin began to heal, and parts of his fur grew back. Although his appearance will never be exactly the same as before the incident, the shelter staff accepts him for who he is now. Interestingly, Justice has gained worldwide admiration and love from people who appreciate his unique beauty.

According to veterinarian Jessica Lynch, at first, the dog named Justice was unhappy and lacked character. However, after receiving a year’s worth of medical attention and training, he has transformed into a joyful and energetic pup. He is now ready for adoption, and many people from different states and countries are eager to adopt him. Unfortunately, the shelter is only accepting applications within 100 miles due to the vets’ desire to be close to Justice in case he needs further treatment down the line.

Justice, the adorable pup who stole hearts at the shelter, has found a new home and is thriving. His new family frequently updates his fans on social media about his new life, and it’s evident that Justice is loving every moment of it. Despite his rough past, Justice is now in a safe and loving environment where he can flourish.

Due to his difficult past, Justice was a challenge to train. He often acted stub𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 and resisted following commands. However, thanks to the dedication of a s𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ed dog trainer named Lexi, he became much more manageable over the course of a year. As time passed, Justice grew fond of Lexi and now only has one more training session left with her. With each passing day in his forever home, Justice becomes more comfortable and affectionate towards his new family. He even enjoys requesting belly rubs from his loving owners, which is a vulnerable position for most dogs. This behavior proves that Justice trusts his humans and knows that he will never experience harm again.

The Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter has been tirelessly working to find the culprit responsible for the abuse of Justice the dog. In an effort to bring justice to the poor animal, the shelter initially offered a reward of $5,000 for any information leading to the conviction of the perpetrator. This amount has since increased to $20,000, demonstrating the importance of holding those responsible for animal cruelty accountable. Although the shelter has not yet been able to close the case, they have received numerous anonymous tips that have brought them closer to identifying the abuser. One such lead identified a person who used to own Justice, then known as “Roscoe.” While this individual claims to have given the dog away prior to the incident, it is difficult to determine the truth of their statement without concrete evidence. Despite their efforts, the shelter continues to face challenges in bringing the abuser to justice.

Feel free to get in touch with the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter if you have any details regarding the circumstances of Justice’s ordeal. The individual responsible for inflicting harm on him should face legal consequences for their reprehensible conduct at the earliest opportunity.

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