
A paralyzed dog courageously emerges from an abandoned home, only to be rescued by caring arms that were eagerly waiting to provide love and care.

Scooch struggled to climb out of his dark prison into the light without his hind legs.

Scootch was discovered by animal rescuers under his abandoned home at the end of a gravel road surrounded by additional abandoned dwellings.

They could see the brown Pitbull with their spotlights even though it was pitch black. When Donna crept closer to him, he hunched in a corner and gave out a low growl. After she threw a wiener at him, he suddenly stopped snarling. Scooch pulled himself with his front legs when he saw the meal.

That’s when Donna noticed Scooch wasn’t using his back legs – he was paralyzed.

“He was so hungry that he flocked toward every bit of food I threw at him.” Donna sent a message on the Stray Rescue of St. Louis website. – “We worried how long this poor dog had been alone and terrified here.” After some back-and-forth, we decided that luring him out with food was the safest and least stressful option.”

Scooch dragged himself forward, his weak body unable to resist the meal. Donna stated that as soon as she approached the doghouse’s entrance, she stopped, as though wondering what might happen to her. “He looked one look at us and decided to give us a go.”

Donna noticed how terrible Scooch was as soon as she walked out. He was extremely skinny, with open sores on his back legs from dragging himself on the dirt.

They gingerly transferred him to the car with a blanket, and the dog just looked up at them, appreciative for their assistance and pleased to be in an air-conditioned vehicle.

“His appreciative eyes revealed that he realized that all we wanted to do was help him,” Donna explained.

Although Scooch’s rescue is sad to witness, his bravery and dedication are admirable. We have every hope that this remarkable dog will recover and know that his rescuers are doing everything they can to give him a good life.

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