
Explore These 10 Stunning Locations To Experience Israel’s Enchanting Allure


Floating in the Dead Sea. Couldn’t leave without getting the classic news paper photo!

You know when you go somewhere, and it’s almost uncanny how much it resembles somewhere else that you’ve been? Well, the Dead Sea is not that place!

First off, fun little fact – The Dead Sea is not actually a sea. It’s a lake! It’s also the lowest place on earth (well at least dry earth) with its banks up to 400m below sea level at points and is famous for its extremely saline water and mineral-rich mud, both of which make it a popular health and wellness resort destination.

I’d like to preface this next part by saying that I totally think The Dead Sea is one of the most beautiful places in Israel and deserves its spot on your bucket list. But I also feel a responsibility to manage expectations here, because

The Dead Sea was not precisely what I envisioned it would be.

First, the landscape is STARK. Second, the beaches are nothing to write home about. Third, because The Dead Sea is so salty, there are a lot of things about it that are actually pretty uncomfortable (painful). Getting the water in your eyes, or any cuts will STING. In fact, just being in the water for an extended period will start to sting. Luckily none of that matters as long as you move slowly, wear water shoes, and keep your head above water at all times!

Logistics: Our main reason for visiting the Dead Sea in Israel was to photograph the Dead Sea Tree. For that reason, we chose Ein Bokek as our base. There’s not much to Ein Bokek, just a bunch of high-rise hotels, a McDonalds, and a mall. Nonetheless, it had everything we needed (including the Dead Sea Tree)! You can enter the Dead Sea from pretty much any point in town (it all pretty much looks the same), to take the quintessential floating in the Dead Sea photos


Unique salt formations in the Dead Sea. This one is famous for the tree that lives on the small salt island.

As I mentioned, one of our primary reasons for heading to the Dead Sea was to scout and hopefully photograph the Dead Sea Tree. Surprisingly it really wasn’t that hard to find, and Quin actually spotted it from the highway as we drove into town.

So does the Dead Sea Tree prove that the Dead Sea can actually sustain life after all? Not exactly. As some of you might have guessed, the tree is not the miracle of life it might at first appear to be. It was actually planted out on the salt island by a local, who aptly named the installation ‘Dead Tree in the Sea of Life.’ Apparently, he still paddles out daily to care for it. And that my friends, is the mystery behind the Dead Sea Tree.

Logistics: The Dead Sea Tree is located about 100 yards (total guess) off the shore, from the public beach located just to the right of Herods Dead Sea Hotel in Ein Bokek. Last time I checked, it was actually labeled on Google Maps as “Dead Tree Salt Island.” The easiest way to get to the Dead Sea Tree is to park at the Segregated Beach, then walk out as far as possible on the pier/boardwalk. Once you reach the end of the pier, it’s time to swim! While floating in the dead sea is easy peasy, swimming is more deceptively tricky.

Hiking through Red Canyon in the Eilat Mountains, Israel.

No, it’s not a slot canyon in Utah! But it’s just as pretty. The Red Canyon in the Eilat Mountains is one of Israel’s most popular and easily accessible hiking areas. There are a few different trails through the area, all color-coded by difficulty and length. It was scorching hot when we were there, so we opted to take the most direct (“Green”) trail, and we didn’t feel like we missed much. All of the trails eventually take you through the slot canyon – which is the highlight of the area, and was our primary objective.

Logistics: The Red Canyon is an easy 20-minute drive from the center of Eilat. There is a large parking area, with information about the trail, as well as a park employing who will provide you with a map, and answer any questions you have. The desert is HOT, so make sure to pack plenty of water with you, and get there early in the day if possible. Also, pay attention to the weather forecast, flash floods are a real danger in this area.


Wadi Arugot in the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, Israel.

Wadi Arugot in the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve was my favorite hike in Israel. It was suggested to us as an excellent alternative to the much more popular (and crowded) Wadi David hike. And I’m sure glad we took the advice because the pools, streams, and waterfalls at Wadi Arugot were gorgeous.

The Wadi Arugot trail winds its way through a beautiful canyon that terminates at a lovely upper oasis. There is a blue (lower) trail and a red (upper) trail through the Canyon (although they only actually diverge at a couple spots). The blue trail is slightly longer and will take you to the Hidden Waterfall, and through a few streams, and pools before merging again with the red trail. The water obstacles are particularly appealing on hot days (which I’m pretty sure is every day). Whether you choose the blue or the red trail, make sure to continue past the waterfall to the Upper Pool. It’s the cherry on top of this fantastic area.

Logistics: Ein Gedi is a national park, so you will find facilities, maps, park rangers, and a fee station at the Wadi Arugot trailhead. Wadi Arugot has it’s own parking lot, about five minutes past the main Ein Gedi parking at Wadi David. If you park at Wadi David, you will have to walk an additional 20 minutes.

I would describe this trail as easy, although the oppressive heat does add an element of difficulty. Due to our schedule, we ended up doing the hike in the middle of the day, but ideally, you would get there early. Bring a swimsuit, sunscreen, a hat, and lots of water!


Photo taken on one of the allies off Lion’s Gate Street in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. But perhaps more importantly, it’s one of the most spiritually significant locations for three of the world’s largest faith groups – Muslim, Christian, and Jewish. So it’s pretty fair to say that there is nowhere else like it.

There are a ton of great blog posts dedicated just to information about Jerusalem and the Old City, so I won’t try and reproduce that here. In those blogs, you’ll learn about all the important religious and historical sites to visit, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Western Wall, and the Dome of Rock. But for me, the best part about the Old City was just allowing myself to wander aimlessly through the tangle of streets, markets, and cultures. And the thing is, by spending the day walking around, I ended up seeing all those significant landmarks without even really trying.

Logistics: The Old City is divided into four quarters – Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim. Each has its own gated entrance, and in many cases, security, but it’s not difficult to get from one to the other. While it’s very possible to explore the Old City of Jerusalem on your own (that’s what we did), it is the one location where I really wish we would have hired a guide. Not because I was worried about getting lost (I rather liked getting lost), but because I would have loved to learn more about all the various historical sites. I have no doubt that a guide would have made this infinitely interesting city even more rewarding.


Mount of Olives Viewpoint up above the Old City of Jerusalem.

Mount of Olives Viewpoint is probably one of the most famous views of Jerusalem if not all of Israel and it’s not hard to understand why. It looks out over a large cemetery in the foreground and then to the Old City of Jerusalem, with the iconic gold Dome of Rock dominating the scene. It’s a western facing view, so I’d highly suggest visiting just before sunset for the dreamiest lighting. Although I’m sure it’s beautiful at sunrise as well.

Logistics: The Mount of Olives viewpoint is across the street from the Seven Arches Hotel. You can drive and park right beside it, walk, or take a taxi. We did all three LOL. First, we tried to drive, but traffic was so bad that we didn’t even make it out of the parking lot at our hotel. Then, we tried walking. And we almost made it! But the sun was dipping fast, so we flagged down a taxi, and the driver swiftly deposited us in front of the Seven Arches Hotel. Mount of Olives is not a secret! But it’s an elevated viewpoint, so having other people there really doesn’t impact the view at all.


Rash Hanikra, Israel.

I’m not sure where to start with Rash Hanikra. Yes, the white cliffs, caves, and grottos were interesting geological features, and the turquoise Mediterranean water along the coast is beautiful. Plus, it was fascinating to see the border with Lebanon only a few meters away (maybe that’s just me). But, HOLY CROWDS! In general, many of the destinations in Israel were far more crowded than I expected, but Rash Hanikra was next level. We are talking about Disney Land next level. Complete with two hour-long lines, a ride in a cable car, screaming kids everywhere, and even some costumed characters wandering around. Not exactly what we were expecting to find when we set out to visit this natural phenomenon.

To be fair, we were there on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Maybe it’s different if you go early, on a weekday, in the rain. If you try it out, let me know!

Logistics: Rosh Hanikra is located at the farthest point north on Israel’s Mediterranean Coastline, right on the border with Lebanon. There is ample parking, although you might have to walk quite a ways to the main attraction. Once you park, you’ll wait to ride a bus up to the top of the cable car. Then you will have to wait in another line to buy tickets for the cable car (which is apparently the steepest in the world). Tickets were about $13US per adult. After that, you will have to decide if you want to wait in an even longer line to take the cable car down into the caves, or just take the bus back to where you came from and walk into the caves. Once you actually get into the caves, it’s all pretty self-explanatory!


Israel is home to a number of beautiful beaches.

The best part about visiting Rash Hanikra Caves was stumbling on Achiziv Beach afterward. Just south of Rash Hanikra, you will find the Achziv National Park. This coastal park stretches south for miles along the Mediterranean, and the Achziv Beach is considered one of the best in Israel outside of Tel Aviv. On Achziv Beach, you’ll find a surprising number of amenities, including lifeguards, a café, yurts, and restrooms with showers. It is also possible to stay in the nearby national park campground.


Banias Waterfall in Israel.

Although the loop trail to Banias Waterfall is short, it’s surprisingly diverse. It starts out on a dry, hot path, it quickly drops down into a cool, lush forest, and eventually takes you to a deck overlooking the picturesque Banias Waterfall. The waterfall and resulting stream shimmer with stunning blue water that ultimately winds its way to the Jordan River.

Logistics: Parking at the trailhead is easy, but you will be required to pay an entrance fee for the Banias Nature Reserve (around $8US).


Okay, so the tenth location is actually a few destinations that I didn’t get the chance to visit, and really wish I had. When I was in Israel, I received so many recommendations from people in comments and DMs on Instagram, that I felt compelled to share some of the more popular ones here. These beautiful locations in Israel were suggested over and over again. After a quick google image search, it wasn’t hard to see why!

Snake Path, Masada – Everyone suggested doing this one for sunrise. Unfortunately, that means before the cable car that takes people to this lookout during the day opens. But you know what they say, “nothing worth having comes easy.” Plus, who doesn’t love a 4am wake up call!

Coral Beach Nature Reserve, Eilat – The Red Sea is renowned for its diversity of marine life and world-class snorkelinging opportunities. And The Coral Beach Nature Reserve in Eilat is perhaps the easiest way to experience the underwater world in Israel.

Tel Aviv – Admittedly, I’m not much of a city person. But pretty much everyone told me Tel Aviv is an absolute can’t miss! Apparently, it is the perfect combination of beach town, foodie heaven, and history. So I left Israel feeling seriously bummed that I didn’t spend a few days eating my way through the streets. Next time for sure!

It’s clear that there are a few things I would do differently, and a lot of things still left to see in Israel, so I hope life takes me back to that area of the world someday. Here’s to hoping!

Salt islands located just off the shore in Ein Bokek, Israel.

Source: special68

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